War Ethics in Islam

es, this was all in the first half, but the new instructions are waaaayyyyyy different. Why dont you tell the truth? Just showing half the story to lure people in is wicked.
 There is a way seemeth good unto a man but the end thereof is destruction. If there is any religion that has not deceived humanity is Christianity, even those who shout the Name Jesus without strict adherence to his teachings and lifestyle of godliness will be disappointed on the last day. Jesus came to save you from the bondage of religion which is Satan's way of slavery; that's why he says "I am the way, the truth and life and without me no human being will enter heaven; He is the sure way ,the only way my freind;accept him as your personal Lord and saviour by confessing all your sins to him and our God will abundantly pardon. My brother, look beyond this present world for there is a glorious future that awaits you and me. My earnest prayer is that together we will make it in Jesus Christ name Amen. 
Do have a great day.
